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No Excuse Absentee Voting is on the ballot
Connecticut voters will see this question on their November 5 ballot:
“Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to allow each voter to vote by absentee ballot?”
A "yes" vote supports authorizing our State Legislators to make absentee voting available to ALL eligible Connecticut voters for any reason.
A "no" vote opposes any changes, keeping current language in the State Constitution that requires a voter to have a specific reason (from a list of 6) to request an absentee ballot.
What would the amendment do?
Currently, Connecticut voters can request an absentee ballot only if they cannot make it to the polls on election day for one of the following reasons: Active military service; Absence from town of residence during voting hours; Sickness; Physical disability; Religious beliefs precluding secular activity on election day; or Performance of duties as an election official at a different polling place during voting hours.
The amendment would authorize the Connecticut State Legislature to provide for absentee voting for all eligible voters with no specific reason required. Under the amendment, an absentee ballot would still need to be returned either in person or by mail to the voter’s city or town clerk’s office by the close of business the day before the election, or dropped in an official ballot drop box before the polls close at 8 pm on Election Day.