contact us: inforlwv@gmail.com
Voter Resources
Connecticut became the 15th state in the United States to enable eligible voters to register online. The launch of Connecticut’s online voter registration system on January 1, 2014 marked a positive step forward into the digital age and offers a way to increase voter access and participation by underrepresented groups — minorities, our men and women serving their country in the military, senior citizens, and, of course, young first-time voters.
If you’re an American citizen, will be 18 or older by Election Day, and hold a valid Connecticut driver’s license, learner’s permit or other ID issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles, you can register online or update your voter registration information from your home computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone conveniently and quickly. The link to the new voter registration feature can be reached at the Secretary of the State’s office at www.ct.gov, or by visiting the League of Women Voters of Connecticut’s website at www.lwvct.org/for-voters.html.
Since 1920, the League of Women Voters’ work has evolved from winning the right to vote for women to ensuring that ALL eligible voters have the opportunity they need to register to vote easily and to participate in their democracy. We applaud this new initiative … a very positive step forward for our state and for our community (communities).
We believe in the importance of voting to maintaining a vibrant democracy. Click below for some excellent resources and current Voter information from the League of Women Voters of Connecticut.
We believe in the importance of voting to maintaining a vibrant democracy. Click below for some excellent resources and current Voter information from the League of Women Voters of Ridgefield and the League of Women Voters of Connecticut.

Voting in Connecticut
Unaffiliated? Registered as an Independent? Or 17 years old? CLICK HERE to find out if you will be eligible to vote in Connecticut's Primary on November 8, 2022!
Convicted Felons and right to vote information at http://www.votect.net/convicted-felon.html
Permanent Absentee Ballot Flyer (regarding voters with disabilities)
General Information about elections: http://www.sots.ct.gov
LWVCTEF Debate Standards
Online Voter Guide: In even-numbered years, there will be an online guide to candidates for statewide offices. In odd-numbered years, Local Leagues may have Voters' Guides of candidate profiles for local offices. Local Voters' Guides will be found by way of the Local League sites.
Know Your State and Federal Officials
​Find Your Legislator: Once you enter your address and town, the page seems to refresh as a blank form. But, scroll down below the search engine window and you will find all your current state and federal representatives listed, with links to their websites and more contact information.
Maps of Connecticut Voting Districts
Find here the list of maps by the 2022 Redistricting Commission, including all the town maps and statewide maps.